Just a glance.

Hey, it's you! I think. 
At first I can't help but see the seven year-old girl with wild long brown hair, glasses, skinny legs and an awkward smile. She always seemed a little nervy, but also away with the fairies. Her parents wore farm fleeces and jeans. She was a Rainbow. 

But it's not you. Not that you, anyway. Not the you I knew. No, that's not you. 
You're him, now. He wears snappy suits and brogues, a leather satchel slung over one shoulder. His hair is cut close to the scalp, a slight curl hinting through it, shaved at the back on the neck. 
His smile is unreal - it's huge...genuine...comfortable. 
I catch your eye and smile in acknowledgement - yes, it's me, we knew each other back then. 
I swear I receive a smile back, a sparkle in the eyes, and I detect a sense of pride in there. No fear. 
Seeing you this morning while we wait for a train has made my day. You're with friends, all going somewhere. School? College? How old must you be now? 
Old enough to know who you are, and be yourself. 
I could burst with joy. 
You're you, now. You're him, and you're you. 


  1. Cleavage! As an "I almost have negative boobs" gal, cleavage doesn't work for me. I have none. Far too much sternum. But, like you, I think I have rather wonderful collarbones. Trying to dress for cleavage just makes me feel ugly. However, my partner-of-6-years has wonderful cleavage, and recently she's become a lot more confident in showing it off. I always encourage her to dress however she likes to make herself feel sexy and positive, and if that means showing off her cleavage then show it off! So, cleavage: not for me, but definitely for whoever wants it (and I am still a Fan™ of it).


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