Weekly warm 'n' fuzzies #1.

I'm continuing the recent lovely trend among some of my favourite bloggers – and listing the things that have made me happy this week.

Some especially tasty coffees in the old town. Walking along the seafront, inhaling the sea, smelling chips and suncream. Reading poetry before bed. That episode of 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air' with a baby Raven Symone in, sassing Will. The sound of thunder and pouring rain breaking the tension in the sky after a stifling week of sun. The expression 'six of one, half a dozen of the other'. Getting my wound dressing removed, and feeling my shirt brush my tummy. Buying presents, and giving them. Whisky on the bartender's tab. Vegan chocolate and raspberry cake. Drinking full cups again. Going back to London, stepping off the train and genuinely thinking 'I missed you'. Then having some of my favourite people cuddle me that night, marvel at how long we'd been apart and say they'd missed me.

This was fun to write - I couldn't stop adding more things to it before posting. I may not make it a regular thing, in case it isn't as special and fun having to list things every week. It's hard enough sometimes doing monthly personal wrap ups! 
But I want to encourage every blogger I know to try this, at least once. What's made you happy this week? Find the bright spots, and share them with others. Maybe it'll help them see theirs. 

(Thank you to Beth, Suzy, Naomi and many more of my fellow bloggers for already doing this and inspiring me!)


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