I secretly love it.

You have the strangest effect on me. I get that warm fuzzy feeling people always talk about. I smile whenever I hear your voice. I could think about you all day.

But also... You make me say funny, witty things. You make me laugh. You make me want to do crazy things.

Today I was passing by a shop, then suddenly ran inside and bought the DVDs of "500 Days Of Summer" and "Valentine's Day", just because I was thinking about you. Then I bought a blueberry muffin and sat on a bench to revel in my rose-tinted haze. I got a text from the cute college guy I fancy, and put off replying to it so I could reminisce and daydream a little more. You mess with my priorities. You give me hope. You call me randomly and make my day. You forgave me. Thank you. x


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