I'm here.

The story so far... I cried when my mum said goodbye, I've gone a little overboard trying to make my room look "homey", I've tackled the daunting task of cooking my first meal (and washing up afterwards), got to know my housemates, officially enrolled, got my student ID card (and actually like the picture on it), identified a university hoody I will be buying purely to wear when at home with my family, taken a chlamydia test (because the campus nurse made me feel like a slag), got a load of freebies (including a lollipop, a Bacardi bracelet and plenty of condoms - student stereotyping anyone?), checked out the eye candy on campus (not too shabby), spent all day today trying to access the internet, Skyped my family and even found time to be cheeky. Not bad for the first two days. Tomorrow, the adventure continues as I venture into the city with my housemates! Stay tuned for more exciting antics of Gracie, the Uni Student! (Anyone wanna give me a better superhero name?) 


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