Hi, my name's Gracie. I love fancy dress more than any child ever could, Benefit makeup is my most expensive addiction, I can quote every single line from every single episode of Friends, I am apparently a very noisy flatmate, when I grow up I want to be Ellen Degeneres, I'm an amateur Tumblrer, sleep is very important to me, I make a beautiful vegetable and bean chilli, my mum is my best friend, I hate being let down, Joshua Radin is my perfect man, I sing when I'm truly happy, I'm a cat person, my thirteen year-old sister is taller than me, I have nine piercings, I want to hang out with Jason Segel, sexist jokes make me laugh, Cheerios are my ideal snack, I'm loving university, I've changed a lot in the past year, and I try not to miss who I used to be.
I do one of these posts every month. x
I do one of these posts every month. x
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