Hi, my name's Gracie. I live in a beautiful little city, I have two jobs, I'm currently rehearsing for a play, YouTube is my main distraction, dark Chocolate Oranges are my weakness, laundry is the bane of my existence, I've realised auditions aren't that scary, blogging is my occupation of choice, I miss driving, John Green is perfect in my eyes, I'm teaching my housemate to love Gilmore Girls, my little sister is my little rock, I own a hip flask that says 'Girls With Class Don't Need A Glass' on it, I'm going to Australia for the eighth time next year, Ultimate Frisbee is becoming a big part of my life, I have eight jars collecting coins on my windowsill, my shower is extremely temperamental, Carrie Hope Fletcher is teaching me a lot, I'm counting down the days until Christmas, I'm actually busy all the time now, and it's different.
I do one of these posts every month.
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