#AskGracie 2.
I often use Twitter for writing type purposes; I ask my lovely friends what I should be writing about, I run polls on which blog post everyone wants to read next. I also enjoy seeing what other writers are up to and so when I saw bloggers running hashtag-ask things I thought I would give that a go, too.
My last (the first) #AskGracie post went down a treat, so let's do this all again, shall we? I've even made* a graphic this time!
And then @Green_Tiger_21 went nuts on the hashtag!
'If your sensible dream is to blog for a living, what's your SECRET dream?'
Get to a point in my life where I can travel freely and easily between the UK and Australia, whenever I want. One home to another. Also, find my soul mate in some sense.
'What is the thing in your life right now that makes you truly, incandescently happy no matter what?'
The future. That I have one at all, and that I'm making one for myself.
'Favourite kind of cake?'
Leticia's magnificent VEGAN chocolate and organic peanut butter cake, omg. JUST LOOK AT IT. I had to include a photo for y'all. Follow her on Instagram and get on her giveaway hype, now.
'Top words you'd use to describe your favourite animal?'
Gorgeous, furry, loyal, aloof, ginger.
'Who is your ultimate role model and why?'
Louise O'Neill. Because she is a badass activist human, a sublime author, and a supreme Snapchatter. (Read more about my love of her HERE.)
That's it! Another #AskGracie done. Such fun! I'll be back with another next month...probably. Get the Q's ready and I will A them left, right and centre!
My last (the first) #AskGracie post went down a treat, so let's do this all again, shall we? I've even made* a graphic this time!
*credit to Mark Flynn (@MarxFlynn) for the epic design that features in my banner, I just messed around with the original for this particular post!
Once again we will start with beautiful @Jo_Scribbles - thank you for participating again, angel! She's actually running an ask hashtag herself: #AskJoScribbles, get on it, friends!
'Which writers (bloggers/journalists rather than authors), well known or not, inspire you with your writing?'
I'll start the answer to your question again with Caitlin Moran, because obvs. Blogger-wise: Emma Gannon, Laura Jane Williams, Megs (for some reason I cannot find her surname, nor do I know it! Whoops, I should probably learn it if we're gonna become besties someday...), Emma Oulton, Hannah Gale...so many more that I cannot even...! Those are my top inspiring gals. They inspire me to push boundaries, do what I love and become me.
The lovely @Sophaba asked several questions in one tweet...
'...what do you enjoy most about your job? Favourite movie(s)? And favourite ice cream flavour? Xx'
- Making the actual drinks, and serving the customers. I have actually written about this recently - the customers fascinate me and I enjoy chattering with/at them when making their orders. Oh, I also wrote about how I'm leaving this job soon for pastures new. Sorry, Nero gal pal!
- 'The Princess Bride', it's the best movie ever. Also '(500) Days of Summer' (read my thoughts on that film here!). And 'Stardust'.
- Peanut butter. Or pistachio. Or mint choc chip. A gelato place I used to frequent did a 'peanutella' flavour - peanuts and smooth milky chocolate. Unreal perfection. These days I'm searching for the perfect dairy-free ice cream. Coconut Collab does some beautiful options!
And then @Green_Tiger_21 went nuts on the hashtag!
'If your sensible dream is to blog for a living, what's your SECRET dream?'
Get to a point in my life where I can travel freely and easily between the UK and Australia, whenever I want. One home to another. Also, find my soul mate in some sense.
'What is the thing in your life right now that makes you truly, incandescently happy no matter what?'
The future. That I have one at all, and that I'm making one for myself.
'Favourite kind of cake?'
Leticia's magnificent VEGAN chocolate and organic peanut butter cake, omg. JUST LOOK AT IT. I had to include a photo for y'all. Follow her on Instagram and get on her giveaway hype, now.
'Top words you'd use to describe your favourite animal?'
Gorgeous, furry, loyal, aloof, ginger.
'Who is your ultimate role model and why?'
Louise O'Neill. Because she is a badass activist human, a sublime author, and a supreme Snapchatter. (Read more about my love of her HERE.)
That's it! Another #AskGracie done. Such fun! I'll be back with another next month...probably. Get the Q's ready and I will A them left, right and centre!
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