The Autumn Reading Tag!
It's happening. The leaves are turning green to golden brown, and then sadly falling to the ground, where they'll sit beneath our feet patiently waiting for frost. The candles are being lit, heating switched on overnight, and the walks to the car at the end of the day are dark and chilly. And the hipsters on Instagram are creaming themselves every time they take a photo on their iPhones.
So, the delightful Laura N tagged me in her Autumn Reads post! Thanks, darl. Love ya.
So, the delightful Laura N tagged me in her Autumn Reads post! Thanks, darl. Love ya.
I can count on one hand the amount of times I've actually
done one of these Q and A posts that circulates but whenever I do they are always immense fun and actually make me think...crazy, I know. Okay. Let's go.
Are there any books you plan on reading over the autumn season?
I always have books to read, like goddamn my TBR is permanently sky high. I try not to think about it too much,'s stressful af.
So this season I am searching for a new series I can get into; seeing kids coming into the bookshop and excitedly purchasing (/getting their parents to fork out for) the latest novel in a trilogy has got me wishing I could have that feeling again. The familiarity of characters, scenes and an author's distinct writing style, something I can emotionally invest in for the long haul. I just finished reading 'The Last Beginning', the sequel (/prequel/accompanier?!) to Lauren James' gorgeous debut 'The Next Together'. I loved hanging out with the characters of Katherine and Matthew again, through their daughter Clove. The whole story made my heart race happily.
some point before winter sets in I'd really like to polish off my
non-fic TBR shelf. I have all manner of beautiful biographies and essays
awaiting me in there.
I want to get back into my graphic novels. I only buy and read a
select few (A fave is 'Sex Criminals', hell yeah, forever grateful to my pal Jack C for introducing me to that wicked world) and I truly love them.
Just the other day I was shelving in the kids' section and I came
across Raina Telgemeier's 'Ghosts' and after accidentally reading 40 pages I realised I needed to squirrel it away for myself, obvs.
At some point before winter sets in I'd really like to polish off my non-fic TBR shelf. I have all manner of beautiful biographies and essays awaiting me in there.
September brings back school memories: what book did you most enjoy studying? And what were your favourite and least favourite school subjects?
actually wrote a blog post ages ago about my favourite books that I discovered through school/college/uni. There are so many!
enjoyed studying/performing the Simon Stephens play 'Punk Rock' in
Drama AS Level. I was properly drawn in by the more gruesome original
fairy tales I studied in my second year at uni – specifically
Angela Carter, my goodness, that woman...
remember also loving all the middle grade Phillip Pullman when I was
at secondary school; I'd take each one out of the library week by
week and devour them (hidden in textbooks during science lessons, usually). And
Lemony Snicket was my jam in primary school. I remember feeling so
cool and edgy reading his brilliantly depressing stories about the
Baudelaire orphans in between classes. (I loved Klaus so much he featured in a post once, too)
October means Halloween: Do you enjoy scary books and films? If so what are some of your favourites?
I am the worst with scary films. Like, no thank you. Same with books – while I enjoy a good tingling thriller as much as anyone, I have to really psych myself up and commit to them, not let myself chicken out.
I used to LOVE 'The Woman In Black'; I saw the play twice in the West End when I was a teenager and I actually never read the book but would love to. I saw the film as well, on Valentines Day in fresher year of uni, with the guy I fancied who kindly held my popcorn bucket when I was busy screaming into my hands.
play was still scarier, btw)
With November it’s time for Bonfire Night and firework displays. What’s the most exciting book you’ve ever read that really kept you gripped?
I properly LOVE my home town's bonfire celebrations. They are always magical – a huge event for me, my family and my friends. My town. I couldn't give a shit about fireworks though, tbh. Once you've stood outside in the cold and watched them for about 5 minutes, it gets dull and samey in my opinion. Sorry.
Books that are more exciting for me than fireworks would be...
by Helen Fitzpatrick. Recently read and am only slightly ashamed to
say I loved a bit too much...
- 'The Last Beginning', by Lauren James. I just finished this book and it made my brain short circuit a few times. (If you wanna read this guys, read 'The Next Together' first, yeah?)
(Just realised I mentioned this book at the beginning of this post, too. I JUST LOVE IT, OKAY?!)
- 'Only Ever Yours', by Louise O'Neill. The whole way through I was screaming internally with maximum excitement and mild horror.
- 'Paper Butterflies', by Lisa Heathfield. And 'Seed', by Lisa Heathfield. Holy shit, Lisa Heathfield tho. Read her words and be enchanted and weirdly unsettled. Thank me later.
by Helen Fitzpatrick. Recently read and am only slightly ashamed to
say I loved a bit too much...
(Just realised I mentioned this book at the beginning of this post, too. I JUST LOVE IT, OKAY?!)
What book is your favourite cosy comfort read?
I've actually been thinking about re-reading 'One Day' soon. It never fails to warm me up and get the feels out. That's my go-to cosy fiction.
I also have always enjoyed curling up with one of my many PostSecret books. There's nothing as warming and lovely as relating to others; seeing yourself in their secrets and knowing you are not alone.
Curled up with a good book, what is your hot drink of choice?
I am always up for coffee. OR if it's early in the morning, a green tea. OR if it's late at night, a peppermint tea. Mmm.
Any plans you’re looking forward to over the next few months?
SO MANY. Book launches and panels, shows, a house warming (on Halloween), my town's bonfire night...
But the plans I'm most excited and yet terrified about? Lecturing at the University of Winchester. About blogging. *squeals*
This was mad fun. I now nominate...
...Because if I tag enough people, at least one of them will do it, right?!
This was mad fun. I now nominate...
...Because if I tag enough people, at least one of them will do it, right?!
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