Grace answers; 1.

Oh hi, so remember when I did a super cool hashtag Q&A ting a couple of times? No? Yeah, that'd be because it didn't exactly take off. But then recently, I was a little uninspired writing and thought I'd try it again, in a slightly different one-off way...

This one tweet amassed more Qs for me to A than that awful hashtag did, way back when! So thank you, my curious friends. I really enjoyed the asking. Now, for the answering...

Ooh, I have always loved the celebrity Bake Off specials - however, now I am crippled with loathing for GBBO Channel 4 (what even is that photo?!), so I'll re-think. 
Strictly Come Dancing is my favourite celeb reality show of all time ever, so I think I'd have to go with that - however, I absolutely 100% cannot dance and have nothing but hate for exercise, so I doubt I'd get very far in the actual competition. But tbh, if I just got to attend the launch party and be matched with my perfect partner (Kevin/Aljaz), then I'd be happy. 

The family cat. For more details on my all-consuming love for him and the damn lovely ways he wakes me up and fills me with happiness each day, see this post I wrote for The Olive Fox entitled 'My Best Pal With Paws'.  

I would say quite simply that in these tragic times, more than ever, we need to escape. 


There will be more of these in the future, I think. Feel free to comment with any questions, or tweet me, as these lovely askers did! I do have a backlog already, so I'm off to a good start.
This may become a little series, if all goes to plan. Some posts will have just the one question, others may have a couple. Some questions will be grouped based on a theme, others may be more random. It's all coming together, oh yes... 


  1. I enjoy these questions and the little insight into your world. I think I'd choose Strictly too and obviously I'd want to be paired with Kevin from Grimsby. Stories are such a wonderful escape and definitely needed!
    Kate xx

  2. Ahhh I think I'm going to really like this series! This is a good way to do it because you can give lengthy answers and you're not restricted. Also, Strictly is the best show EVER. So much love! xx


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