What I read in April 2017.
2017 was a bit of a mad one for books, wasn't it? This month had one of those mad days when a shit ton of books seemed to be
birthed onto bookshelves all at once! On the 6th, Hannah Witton's book
'Doing It' (more on that below) was released, as was 'The State of
Grace' by Rachael Lucas, 'The Hate U Give' by Angie Thomas, 'The
Cows' by Dawn O'Porter, 'Beetle Queen' by M.G. Leonard, and 'How to
be a Grown Up' by Daisy Buchanan (again, see below)...yeah,
that was a lot of books. And they ALL excite me. I also realised that
the majority of my reads this month were embargoed pre-release
goodness. Sorry, my dears. #humblebrag #blessbookmail
let's look at the books I listed at the beginning of the month again,
this time with the perspective of a very smug and satisfied young
woman who has read most of them!
Confession: I don't always finish every single book I set out to read each
month in these posts, and that saddens me massively when I come to
write my reading wrap-ups. But that wasn't the case this month! I was
determined. And I had some damn good reads lined up, and was
confident I'd love each one.
Witton's 'Doing It' was my first read. It was excellent. I found I
knew more than I thought I would in each subject covered, which was
reassuring tbh, but everything I didn't know I was thrilled to learn.
chapter my awesome friend wrote about polyamory was especially
enlightening, as was the whole section on masturbation (I love masturbation, y'know) and some of the info on gender identities.
whole book was written in the best kind of style; like a friend was
sharing hot tips and tricks with me and not editing out any of the
less than pretty bits that needed to be shared, too. I finished this
book in a couple of days and immediately went down the hall to drop
it on my little sis' bed. Because I'm super caring, and don't care
for being subtle.
Jane Williams' 'Ice Cream for Breakfast: How rediscovering your inner child can make you calmer, happier, and solve your bullsh*t adult problems' was an absolute treat, also.
I was lucky enough to catch her for an interview which featured in a blog post about the book – do check that out if you want more info
on this brilliant book that not only shares the coolest kiddie
anecdotes but teaches us adults that sometimes the little ones know
~**record scratch**~
This is when my reading hit a snag halfway through the month. A snag named Infection McAbscess. His place of origin? My appendix. It wasn't pretty, guys. I was in hospital doing absolutely zero reading and all of the hurting for a week. It was only on my final night in the surgical ward that I was able to lift myself up in bed and grasp for a book...which didn't fit in with my month's theme but damn it, was just the crazy fictional escape route I needed at that time...
Yes, Cat Clarke's 'Girlhood' was the most wicked blessing. I was truly sucked into the delightfully dark world within an old Scottish castle boarding school. I connected with every character - even the ones with a slightly, ermm, questionable mental state - and I found myself holding breaths for pages at a time. I devoured this story in less than 48 hours, starting it late at night in hospital and finishing it in bed at home a day later.
This bad boy - or should I say, sneaky girl - is officially released on the 4th of May, and trust me guys, you want it.
I am also taking part in Cat Clarke's Backlist Tour very soon! Check that out next week and hear about another of her books I loved.
So this is a misleading photo, y'all. I'll fess up - I didn't manage to start 'The Wrong Knickers' this month. However, I did finally crack on and finish 'Mad Girl', Bryony's second book that I started back in February this year, which was another non-fic month. Notice I now refer to the legendary Telegraph columnist and author Bryony Gordon as simply 'Bryony'. Why is this, you may wonder? Well, after reading her second book and listening to her gorgeous podcast with Prince Harry and reading her perfect piece on running the London Marathon I just really feel like she's my friend. Yep, she has officially joined the Friend Crush ranks. She's up there with Caitlin Moran, Emma Watson, Claire Eastham, Non Pratt and...
So, that was my reading in April. I also finished the magical and devastating tale 'The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender', which I'd begun reading when I was on a strict Walker-only bookish diet in March - my goodness, that was a heavy one. I had an especially fantastical book hangover after.
Turns out recovery time from major ops is very good for reading, specifically polishing off all those books you've started and left on the wayside! Also books help recovery, taking you away to another world and letting you live through others.
I have a plan for my May reading schedule, of course, but for the first few days of the new month I reckon I'll need rest and recoup. Finishing off half-read books and finally starting the ones that keep being rec'd to me by my bookish besties might be my vibe right now...watch this space!
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