
My name's Grace. 

Instead of telling people I'm 24, for some reason I now say I'm nearly 25; my love for my brain and my body is limitless, I never used to like the middle finger gesture, making me vegan hot dogs with fake cheese topping is the way to my heart, I often wonder what it's like to be a fashion blogger, managing Instagram accounts is my calling and maybe ultimate purpose in life, I burn palo santo in my bedroom, handwriting will always be important to me, the fuzz on my head still looks awesome, I wear a watch now, I'm awaiting a date for face reconstruction surgery, in winter months I often forget how much I love the sunshine, then it reappears and I'm reminded how it makes my skin sing. 

(Photo: Erin Veness)

I'm officially The Brain Tumour Charity's first ever Influencer of the Year, btw.
Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me!


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