i-D Beauty Week, 2018; 'Behind the Scars'.

About a month ago, I went up to Peckham to see the wonderful Sophie Mayanne and take part in a shoot for i-D. The enormous online platform wanted to feature Sophie's work – and some of her models – in mini-doc video form for their 2018 Beauty Week.  Hell, yes. 

I have recently been putting myself 'out there' quite a bit, and getting more work opportunities in the media; I was approached about a TV project, I'm currently doing interviews for online magazines, I'm hosting a couple of upcoming book events (more on that later, as they deserve their own post!), I'm helping The Brain Tumour Charity with some of their content...and I took part in a body positive bikini march through Carnaby that will be featured in a BBC documentary series very soon. It's really exciting, and flattering, to be asked to do these cool things – and to have people feel I'm good at them. I'm very comfortable in front of a camera, which surprises even me, as I'm not sure how that came to be – the Drama half of degree may have something to do with it? Who knows! 

Source: i-D

Anyway, doing this interview and shoot with i-D was brilliantly empowering and so much fun; I was delighted to have this opportunity to shout about Sophie M's brilliant work with 'Behind the Scars' – her self-funded project that came to be because she felt stories needed to be told and body image had to be changed. 

Source: i-D

Please watch the (beautifully shot/edited) video I've embedded to see the beautiful people I got to shoot with that day; hear their stories and their messages, they're so important and I was blown away by the positive energy they exuded while in the studio with me. 

Finally, here's the JustGiving page where you can help support Sophie's project, so she can travel with it and reach more people. 


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