'Friendship Fails of Emma Nash', by Chloe Seager; a guest piece!

The wonderful, hilarious Chloe Seager has done it again! Her latest novel, a follow-up to her 2017 debut ‘Editing Emma’, is all about friendships – and the many filters, pitfalls and straight up fails that can be found within them. My fab friends, this is 'Friendship Fails of Emma Nash'!

I am so thrilled to be a stop on this blog tour, having recently finished the book – and doing a Twitter giveaway when I was sent 2 copies! My ‘proper’ review will be featured in my next Recent Reads post, but for now I can simply say: everyone needs to befriend Emma, immediately. But be warned: she’s prone to accidentally making potential friends cry about their unfortunate surnames, lying about owning a cat and sniffing ex-boyfriend’s clothes. I mean...haven’t we all done at least one of those things!? Show of hands? No? K.

Anyway, let’s get on with this blog tour ting – the lovely Chloe has blessed this blog with a piece about her ‘ideal celeb BFF’! See below to find out who it is (and why I 1000% completely agree)… 

My Ideal Celeb BFF.

This was an easy decision. There’s only one girl I’d choose to be my celebrity BFF: Taylor. Alison. Swift. 

First of all, let’s start with her cats, Olivia Benson and Meredith Grey. Aside from the fact Meredith Grey is one of my all-time favourite TV show characters, can you imagine hanging out with those adorable cats?! In between their fluffiness and their purring all my problems would surely disappear. Plus, they’d obvs be best kitty pals with my own cat, Edie. 

Onto serious business: Taylor Swift wears her heart on her sleeve and I love it. She’s not ashamed to say she was cruelly dumped, or to divulge how long she’s spent pining after someone who’s just not interested, or the embarrassing things she’s done when blinded by a huge, world-altering crush. She’s not afraid to admit when the world has made her feel small and she just wants to cry with her Mum. She’s open about her ugly feelings, too; if you’ve done something to make her angry then there’s not a chance in hell you won’t know about it.

I appreciate this kind of honesty in my friends. I truly believe that my best friendships are the ones where we just let it all out. I generally find if I bottle things up that my friends have done to upset me, then the bitterness eats away at me. Or if I haven’t shared something in my life because I’ve been too ashamed, it always feels 100x better when I finally tell someone…and I wonder why I didn’t in the first place. No one’s perfect and I know that my best friends are there to love me through all the crap stuff that’s happened to me, or despite my flaws.

The sincerity in Tay-Tay’s songs is what makes her so completely relatable. When I was having a bad day at school with my friends, or if I’d had an argument with my Mum, or if I’d been brutally dumped, then she was there to tell me she felt the same. Haters gonna hate, but there’s a reason why millions of girls across the planet feel like they’ve grown up alongside her. 


Thanks, Chloe! We're Swiftie BFFS 4ev. Check out the other posts Chloe has done with her blogger friends for this tour! My favourite so far has to be her 'Ideal Best Bookish Friends' over on Stacey's blog, Pretty Books!

You can also grab a copy of 'Friendship Fails of Emma Nash' on A GreatRead UK; the best online bookseller that not only offers massive discounts off RRPs, but also FREE delivery!
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You can also see my post about Chloe's first book, 'Editing Emma', HERE!


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