What I got up to in recovery...

I was once again blessed with a sweet bit of recovery time recently, and when I wasn’t asleep or in horrendous pain, I got a lot done while also relaxing to the max. Here are some of my accomplishments while I was healing after my reconstruction… and I promise they get better the further you scroll… 

(Photo: Erin Veness)
(dress and earrings from JOY)

I re-learned how to knit, and realised I’m not that good at it (I somehow always ADD a stitch?!) but managed to make about a third of a scarf. I wrote Instagram captions in my head while I was dozing in the mornings. I watched sis pack for uni, gave her books and advice. I introduced coffee into my system again, after 5 days (!!) without it. I agonised over when I’d last taken painkillers; took a lot of paracetamol and regular doses of ibuprofen, but managed to avoid the tramadol. 

I slept only on one side of my body for a few weeks – which hurt, a lot, and upset the cat as it didn’t correspond with his side of the bed. I slathered myself in Lush’s revolutionary lavender cream every night to help me drift off. I ordered a batch of new greeting cards for the box by my bed. 

I had my 40 staples taken out, 10 days after my operation. Then 1 more, that had somehow been hidden, the day after that. I admired my new, ‘neatened’ scar, impossibly smooth forehead and almost perfectly symmetrical face. I worried, briefly, that the surgeon had made my hairline uneven in his efforts to minimise my scarring. I watched my tufty hair grow out and massively accentuate my widow's peak, and desperately wished I could go to the barbers'. I grew terrified of going anywhere public because I was so self-conscious of my swollen and 'wonky' face. I eventually learned to love my uneven eyebrows. 

(Photo: Erin Veness)
(dress and earrings from JOY)

I watched 'Bodyguard', of course, and its alleged iPlayer rival, 'Killing Eve'. I recorded and re-watched 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' series 9. I Netflixed ‘Good Girls’ series 1, ‘Suits’ series 7 and ‘Orange is the New Black’ series 6. I watched little sis' DVDs of ‘New Girl’ series 3 and 4. I attempted to re-watch 'Gilmore Girls' season 7, because I was up to that point on the 'Gilmore Guys' podcast... gave up, because it hurt to sit through. 

I began watching ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ 2018, cried at the launch show, switched allegiances a few times (currently Team Faye) but definitely developed a hatred for Seann Walsh. Spent many hours catching up on my favourite YouTuber channels, obvs. 

I read ‘Giant Days’ by Non Pratt,  'Be a Mermaid' by Sarah Ford, 'She Must Be Mad' by Charly Cox, 'Dear John: the Road to Pelindaba' by Jeff Osment, 'For Everyone' by Jason Reynolds, 'Stay a Little Longer' by Bali Rai, 'Notes on a Nervous Planet' by Matt Haig, and a pile of magazines that dated back to May, all of which I’d put off reading as I was simply ‘too busy’. 

(Photo: Erin Veness)
(dress and earrings from JOY)

I wrote 7 blog posts, and replied to a good few exciting emails – although most of those were, sadly, event invites that I had to decline. I signed an NDA for something cool. I didn't go on any photographic adventures with Erin for, like, 6 weeks!? 

I learned a little more about astrology; birth signs, natal charts, moon movements, and tarot. A friend became a new resident in the land of St Lenny's, and I had such fun showing her around and introducing her to all the best foodie spots (still not quite done, though, and it may take a while...). I walked and drove around Hastings back streets with Mama, helping her find the perfect new house for her and Dad. I went to a folk night, and had a vegan Sunday roast, with some gorgeous humans in a new favourite pub. I got my DSLR back out and took photos I'm proud of. I went to see my true love, Joshua Radin, perform live in London for what I think was the 11th time. I booked my first of no doubt many romantic European city breaks with Ms Jones (I say I did, she actually took care of it all and I'm just turning up at the airport on the day). I grew my hair out a little on top, with short back and sides  found out it didn't suit me, and got the full buzzcut back. I did my third Twilight Walk with The Brain Tumour Charity, in Windsor. I interviewed for a dream job, and got it. 

(Photo: Erin Veness)
(dress and earrings from JOY)

I found the most brilliant joy in doing very little generally, but a lot of good things. My new rule, now I’m on my way back to ‘normality’, is: do more, but be less busy. 


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