I just eat plants now.

At the beginning of this year, I finally went ‘full vegan’. After an actual lifetime of being vegetarian (no, that doesn’t mean I ate fish) and 2 years dairy free, I finally took the plunge and gave up what little animal products remained in my diet in order to transform into a 100% all-green plant-based 'Vg' Human. (Like the Hulk, but a bit nicer.)

(Photo: Erin Veness)

Why make the change?

Well, I won’t lie, my ‘just-veggie guilt’ was killing me a bit. I was having to constantly explain myself, saying over and over ‘I’m not vegan... I’m dairy free’, and more often than not the response would be: ‘huh. What does that mean, though?’ or ‘why only dairy free?’ And while I try not to let people’s opinions get to me or change me these days, I had to admit after a while that I really didn’t see a reason why I wasn’t doing it.

I made this change because I want to make a difference to the planet, help any and all animals live better and longer lives (humans have wiped out 60% of animals since 1970, FYI) – and live a little better myself. I am currently feeling healthier than I ever have before and, if possible, even happier in my body.

(Photo: Erin Veness)

Why did it take you so long?

It took me forever to give up eggs. I was already going without honey, milk, cream, butter, cheese, chocolate... but eggs hung in there for a long time. I loved eggs. I do miss them, sometimes. But I won’t be eating them any more.

(Do yourself a favour and Google ‘egg industry’, or something like that.
But TW: baby chicks are killed, and mama hens suffer a lot.)

How has your life changed?

I actually love being able to say ‘I’m vegan’. Always asking for a vegan menu (which some major restaurants are finally implementing, YAASSS), looking at ingredient lists on toiletries, and replying to event invites specifying my dietary requirements doesn’t make me feel anal or alienated at all. In fact, I feel pride and excitement.

Since going ‘full vegan’, I have also connected with so many more people on a different level; my angelic friend Laila is a great example of the kind of positivity and creativity in living plant-based, as is the lovely Laura, and the girl boss Vix found a lot of good in doing Veganuary this year. 

Also, I currently am working in a team of mostly veggies and vegans, for a company that is truly, wonderfully kind to all creatures and caters perfectly to plant-based humans. 

Plus, I have a vegan mama. The two of us are completely comfortable and happy going places and asking for plant-based products. We love searching for the best local vegan restaurants, and do excited mini-dances when we go into a cafe and see a big green V on the cake fridge. And we both tend to go a bit mad in Holland & Barrett or the ‘Free From’ sections in supermarkets, filling up our shoppers with Tofurkey and meat-free ham slices (Quorn only does two options for us Vgs, but hopefully someday there will be more!) coconut-based ‘cheese' blocks and spreads, and sometimes, for a treat, Rhythm 108 or Vego bars are thrown in. 

So, that's me. I could go on forever about this new (and permanent) chapter in my life, but for now I'll leave you with some recs for further green reading and following... 

(Photo: Erin Veness)

Vegan blogs/blog posts for y’all…

  • I really like Simple Vegan Blog; it's surreal because the photos that accompany each post put me off at first, because I'm like 'oh, that's cheesy meat, I can't eat that...oh, wait!' 

Vegan Instagrammers I have crushes on... 

Good vegan spots, in London and near me... (yah, my fellow vegans, come visit me)

Make sure you check out my Instagram; I actually don't just post disgustingly hipster shots of coffee cups and the photos friends take that make me look almost decent! I also have highlight collections of bookstagrammers, favourite cafes and, most importantly, vegan eats! 


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