Hello, 2019.

Ooh, look out, it’s not just another big list-type post from me on here but also fits nicely into that cheesy blogger category of New Year New Me #goals Manifest Destiny shizz. (not attacking there, I’m just a little tired of that whole theme being re-hashed every January… oh no wait, I’m about to do it. Sh*t.) 

(Photo: Erin Veness)

I have a lot of hope for 2019. No, really. In the past year I’ve been seeing a brilliant counsellor and have worked through all kinds of nonsense with them – I won’t bore you, but the biggest and most consistent ‘thing’ that’s rooted deep within my poor mangled brain is an unfortunate, involuntary certainty that nothing lasts. 

I have reason to feel this way; for the past 5 or so years of my life I’ve been putting everything on pause over and over again due to illness and a whole heap of surgeries, and between each of these life-changing catastrophes I’ve kept trying to rebuild my life from the wreckage, bit by bit. It’s been a painful process every time, and oh, it’s never quite worked out and never, ever lasted. 

But hey, in an attempt to change my mindset hopefully for good, I’m going to write my list of goals for 2019 – the year I do me, and do it right. Let’s go.

This coming year, I will… 

Get a job I love. (DONE)
Pitch, pitch, pitch.
Earn money writing, and/or collaborating with brands on social media.
^ and actually get paid. I’m going to work out my rates and write up invoices and get actual money, not just ‘exposure’, or a gift I have to pay postage for. *rolls eyes*
Go on some freaky photography adventures.
Walk more. And swim whenever possible.
Read more books than I did in 2018 – but not fret over my Goodreads goal come December.
Visit new places, and do new things there.
Not be afraid to say what I want – and what I really don’t.
Listen to different music, see more gigs and dance madly.
Get back into studying things.
Do something amazing and completely different for my 26th birthday. 
Cook more meals. 
Watch more films. 
Throw parties. 
Stop being so terrified of going 'out-out', and give it a go more often. 
Treat myself more... but also try that 'budgeting' thing for the first time, ever. 
Finish writing at least one book. 
Try to only buy clothes from charity shops. 
Be happy. 

Have I missed anything? What are your resolutions? Comment or tweet me!

Okay. C’mon, 2019. Be kind to me. 


  1. I'm going to rewrite and finish my book, send it out, hopefully get some responses.
    I'm going to get healthier, move my body more, do yoga, go swimming, go inline skating.
    I'm going to be more creative. Drawing, writing, making music.
    I'm going to travel somewhere for my 30th birthday, preferably alone... maybe get another tattoo.

    1. YES, ELLEN! I love all of these. Let's make a pinky promise right now that we'll do all these things. x

  2. This is such a great list! Pretty much matches everything I'd love to do this year too. :)

  3. I'm going to MOVE TO THE UK
    I'm going to explore new countries
    I'm going to quit my job and not have another one to go to
    I'm going to take more bubble baths
    I'm going to write more personal shiz and hopefully get paid for some of it

    1. YES, QUEEN. Come see me for some bubble bars and bath bombs, yeah?


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