What I've watched; sex, stalkers, Sunny.

So you all know my long running series Recent Reads, yes? Well, here’s a TV version of that! Original, I know. Anyway, let’s crack on with my latest recs – and non-recs… 

Harv, loving 'Sex Education'.

'Russian Doll'

Basically Nicky from OITNB is existing in an alternate universe; one in which she is the main character, not some whiny blonde chick, which is a win, AND she happens to be repeating the same few days over and over again. The amount of days varies, though, but they always start in the bathroom at her birthday party. Because you see the thing is, she keeps dying – and then suddenly, she’s back in that bathroom at her friend’s house, staring at herself in the mirror. 

The series is 8 episodes long, and each ep is 25 minutes long; it’s dark, twisted, weird, and really quite brilliant. My rating: give it a watch. 

BONUS Mama review! A delighted shriek of ‘who thinks of this sh*t!??’ 

'Sex Education'

Holy sh*t y’all, I cannot believe I didn’t watch this immediately when it came to Netflix!? I feel like I got to the party late – so late, that everyone was already drunk by the time I got there, there was no mixer left and they’d all piled onto the sofa to have a disco nap before rallying for round 2.
It’s very good, very funny, a bit weirdly American-looking for a British show but I’m rolling with it.

In case you haven’t watched it yet (unlikely, I know) it’s 10 episodes long, episodes around 40 mins each, and series 2 has just been given a green light (yaaassss). My rating: this makes my heart happy and my lady parts excited (blame Gillian Anderson for that; she’s everything I want to be).


I saw the trailer, and got the gist – Lonely Boy from ‘Gossip Girl’ turned freaky pervert stalker? I was IN. Sadly, the feels of mad hype and intense urgency only lasted the first 2/3 eps, and after that it dragged, hard. Such a shame. But I did that thing where I felt the need to stick it out to the end (like I did with that awful, harmful Netflix adaptation of a dreadful YA book. You know the one) just to see what happened and lay the ghost. I guess the gorgeous PLL alumnus – who, spoiler, was also a terrible psycho – was an upside to it all.

This ridiculous creation is 10 episodes long, and each one is 50 mins (30 mins too long, if you ask me). My rating: ‘You’? More like, YAAWWNN.

'It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia'

This is the funniest, trashiest lil show ever, and I know this because it’s something like my third time re-watching it from the very beginning. The main characters are hideous human beings with filthy habits and absolutely zero concern for other people, who really belong in jail or a treatment centre, and yet as a viewer you really come to love them.

My rating: it’s always time to watch Always Sunny.


That’s all, folks! Tune in next time for more of my fabulous TV-related recs, ‘rather not’s, and opinions. You're welcome. 


  1. I would recommend, if you haven't checked it out already, Little Witch Academia on Netflix. It's an animated series from Japan about a young girl going to witch school, think of it as an all female Harry Potter. There is an English dub as well as the original Japanese audio.


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