How, What, Where and When? with Tanya Landman, on 'One Shot'.

I’m so thrilled to welcome the absolute dream that is Tanya Landman to the How, What, Where and When series! I asked her a few questions about her recent release with the babes at Barrington Stoke, ‘One Shot’; the story of Maggie, a young girl who, after losing her beloved father, seeks to support her family doing what he did – hunting. She horrifies her family and the locals by doing this, is branded ‘unladylike’, and subjected to a young life full of cruelty. She soon learns the only person she can count on is herself, and begins to fight for survival. 

Hey, Tanya! Thank you so much for being a guest on this (still relatively new) series. Let’s start with a quick How – as in, how did you come across Annie Oakley? 

I read an awful lot of history books when I was researching for Buffalo Soldier. I became intrigued by how quickly the history of the American West had become romanticized and turned into a showbiz spectacle by people like ‘Buffalo Bill’ Cody. It was while I was reading about him that I came across the star of his Wild West show – Annie Oakley.  

And what inspired you to write a re-imagining of Annie’s story?

It wasn’t so much what as who – Annie herself inspired me. She was an extraordinary person, coming from such a tough background with so much tragedy in her past yet overcoming it all to become America’s first female celebrity.

Where did you find you struggled and triumphed most in writing this book?

To be honest, I didn’t struggle at all – it was an absolute joy to work on. Once I sat down to write Maggie’s voice started to flow very easily through my head.  She just told me her story and I wrote it down.

When can we expect another fabulous novel from you, in the future?

If all goes according to plan, there should be two new books coming out in 2020! 

Thank you so much for answering my questions, Tanya. You’re a gem. I hope to see you at an event or something soon! 

Readers, you can grab this brilliant book from Barrington Stoke, or on The Book DepositoryOR order it into Big Green Bookshop, perhaps. (also the big book stores/websites, but let’s give the littler guys some love, yeah?)

(Thank you so much to the bookstagrammers who let me embed their photos in this; I'd have taken some, but I've already donated my copy to my old school!)


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