
Hi, I’m Grace.

The Berlin Botanical Garden. Such cacti. In my element.

I am addicted to Words With Friends, I'm a sucker for 90s fashion, I'm suddenly playing podcasts all the time instead of music, my GP is super sassy, I got a beautiful new bike recently (for free, from my friend at my local train station), I am short sighted, I don’t much care for Halloween but am excited to go to a costume party, I have so many photos from my last trip abroad but no idea what to do with them, Greg James told me I had a lovely voice and should start a podcast, I'm off to Amsterdam in 2020 and am open to any/all recs (!?), I really think my yoga teacher is lovelier than yours, I'm having a mental clear out, and archiving some of my old blog posts reminded me of who I used to be, and how far I've come. 

I also booked myself in for an MRI recently – on a date and at a time that suits me. I actually made my illness fit within my life, not the other way around. It only took me 5 years. 


  1. I love these posts, Grace! Such a wonderful way of sharing yourself with the world! With Amsterdam, I’d recommend getting yourself a IAmsterdam pass for the tram. The best way to get around, and there are varying lengths available, depending on your stay, so you can hop on and off whenever you fancy - super handy. There were also freebies included - we went to the Van Gogh museum and had a boat tour during sundown. So magical! I hope you have the best time!

    1. Thank you so much, Sian. And thanks for the tips! I'll definitely be following up on those. x


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