Recent Reads; ashes, mountains, fandom, femininity and the evils of social media.

Oh hey, my bookish friends. It’s been a while. I promise I have been reading this year… I just haven’t been writing about it as much, for some reason. Let’s fix that now, eh? 

Here are a few of my reads from earlier in 2019…

Heartstream, by Tom Pollock.

It’s no secret how much I love and loathe Tom and his brilliantly, terrifyingly, whip smart and wicked writing. The first novel of his I read, ‘White Rabbit, Red Wolf’, was hands down my best read of 2018.

'Heartstream’ will be ranking very highly in this year’s reads, too. The pacing was perfect, the characters were totally 3D, the plot was fascinating – and at times, devastating. I particularly loved the way Pollock captured the essence of the boy band fandom; how truly devoted and, often, deranged the fangirls can become to not just the individual members, but a fantasy ship within the band. I’d liken his talent in writing this specific subgenre to that of Alice Oseman and Chris Russell, the legends of #boybandYA – and then he twisted it extremely darkly in a way only his mind can. 

This book slayed me. It’s a quick coffee table read – although I do not recommend reading with any drinks in one’s mouth, for fear of choking or spraying them out when you inevitably crack up laughing.

This book has actually inspired its own gross little blog post (which is why I won’t be saying much about it in this one). Read that HERE, if you dare! 

Letting Go, by Cat Clarke. 

A short and sweet story of two young women, exes, who have to come together again in a less than ideal situation – the scattering of one’s mother’s ashes, on a clifftop, with a new boyfriend thrown in for extra awkwardness. 

It’s no secret that I love the inclusive and generally marvellous publisher, Barrington Stoke. I also have the biggest friend- and author-crush on Cat, so imagine my excitement when this beauty arrived in the post!? I gobbled it right up on a day’s train journeys into and home from work. I really enjoyed the tension, not just in the life or death scenario that presents itself (no spoilers, but wowee), but also in the relationships between each of the characters. Classic Clarke. 

Read my quickie interview with Cat about this book RIGHT HERE! 

Thanks for bearing with me, bookish peeps. I’ve been a bit up and down this year, in all honesty; my mental health is ridiculous as ever, and fortunately (I say, smacking my hand hard on my wooden coffee table, repeatedly) I have not had any major surgery or drastic physical ailments but I still feel stretched thin and knackered out. I should really be prioritising chilled reading time, tbh. Is it too late to make that a new year’s resolution??

These books are all available in the high street shops, but as always I will link you to the indie guys; The Big Green Bookshop and A Great Read. I urge you to consider who you want your money to go to when you’re buying things. (Also, the latter do free delivery sooo…)


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