Black Lives Matter.

Read the title again. And again. And then say it to yourself, if you need to. Because it is the absolute truth, and it can’t be ignored any more. It's not okay to be 'not racist'. You have to be absolutely, wholeheartedly anti-racist. 

Yeah, I definitely should have posted this earlier. I have no excuses. I’ve had a killer writer’s block situation going on recently, but that’s because I haven’t had a clue what to say and I’ve been trying to listen more. 

I have a clue now. I am a very (VERY) privileged white woman, and I need to shut up for a second and give my platforms to others, who aren’t given the opportunity to speak up. So here are some things you need to do, and places you need to go to, right now, if you are like me and want to help others while also educating yourself… 

Read this by Fumble. And this one, too. 

Find out how you can support the BLM movement in the UK using this open document, by @perkin_amalaraj.

Check out this Finimpact post about supporting small Black-owned businesses. 

Go and look at some of favourite blogger/model/influencer humans' content about BLM; Ella (aka Whimsicella), Amyleigh, NyomeBeth, Stephanie, then follow gal-dem, Rachel Cargle & The Great Unlearn, Layla F. Saad, Char Ellesse, Aja Barber, Ericka Hart, Danielle Coke, Asiyami Gold, Rachel Ricketts AND SO MANY MORE (comment with any other suggestions, please) (also, I would make a list of folks to unfollow because they're damaging and nasty, but that would give them traffic and attention, so nah). 

Right. What else? Who else? How else can I help? Hit me up in comments and/or on social media. I'm always open, darlings. 


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