30 Days Grace; September.

September always feels strange, these days. I think because even after 3 years out of education, I still get that 'back to school' instinct when autumn kicks in and I have nowhere to put the feeling, nothing to satisfy the craving for newness...no leaves to turn over. 

I've tried to do the maths, and I think I can safely say about a quarter of my September was spent out of the UK. I was in Barcelona briefly at the beginning of the month, then I started October in Berlin – easily two of my favourite European cities. 
I booked both these trips while tipsy and emotional – I had been meaning to for ages, clearly I just needed the whisky to give me the nudge – and stayed with excellent friends living in the centre of the cities. 

My new favourite things this month were...

Vegan Nutella-style doughnuts in the cute little Chok bakery, Barcelona. Goddamn.

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Reconciliation. It sounds dramatic, but in September I was reunited with the past a few times – despite attempting to escape to European cities, it still found me when I was between flights – and I didn't hate it. In fact, I liked it. I liked the feeling it gave me, the closure; a weight fell from my shoulders that I didn't know I'd been carrying, and before I knew it I found myself crying quietly on a replacement bus service home from Brighton. For the past, and the me in that past. It was happy crying, I think.  

My new tattoos. I got two new inkings in one week, and they were both deeply personal – and beautiful. I then wrote a post about my collection of body art, which I know is growing at an alarming pace...

Barcelona Belushi's offers on spirits – I bought two double G&Ts for 6 euros. I seriously considered moving there, when the barman told me the cost. Not just the city, specifically that bar.

Stargazy jewellery. Amanda is a crystal wizard and total delight to chatter with. I could honestly spend all day in that little shop (the one in this month's title image), playing with pretty things and discussing the strange nature of the world(s). 

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A favourite person this month was...

Yet again, there are two. Sophia B, and Maddie Z.

Sophia put me up in Barcelona, and showed me her city. She's lived there for a year now, after impulsively uprooting and leaving her unhappy London life behind last summer, and says she cannot imagine being anywhere else, now. And y'know what, the place suits her.

Maddie took care of me when I was in Berlin for the fourth time in my life – and the second time this year! – as she has done on all my previous visits. I'll be writing about Berlin in next month's wrap up as the trip actually ended in October (and I think I'll have a mini meltdown if I write about both trips in one post...), but Maddie was, as always, the best buddy to bunk with, and most badass Berliner to roam around with.

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And the exciting news this month was...

I took little sis to an Open Day at my alma mater, the University of Winchester. It was surreal and awesome fun – especially when I dragged her around my deserted old halls of residence (Snapchatting my pals who also lived there and loved it as much as I did), and then sat in on the Creative Writing talk with the irrefutable Vanessa Harbour, piping up now and again to gush to the prospective students and their parents about the BA course.

(Me, now 24, outside what was my home at 18. When we were looking up at my old bedroom window, I definitely sighed and said 'I had so much sex in that room...')

I started my job managing social media for the fierce as f*ck brand that is Scarlet Ladies! It's only been a month or so, but I've already learned so much...and turned a few tricks for them, too.

After seeing my latest blogger girl crush Endrielly (aka Unapologetically Elly) uploading the most beautiful and honest photos of herself to her Insta, taken for the 'Behind the Scars' project, I desperately wanted in. I emailed Sophie Mayanne from Belushi's Barcelona – between 6 euro rounds – and before I knew it I was in a studio in Peckham Rye, being wafted with a large light reflector and giggling as my tummy and head scars were snapped professionally and perfectly. There will be a fuller post about that experience, too, but just know for now – I have never felt so in love and in control of my messed up, magical body.

I bought 1 book. I didn't even buy it, quite – I went to Holly Bourne's 'It Only Happens in the Movies' launch party at Waterstones Piccadilly, and part of the cost of the ticket included a goody bag! The angels at Usborne put on a damn good event, I must say. Popcorn, proof swag, a photo booth with props – and of course the usual Piccadilly open bar did not disappoint. 5 stars for them. Oh and I'm currently reading the book – that's pretty excellent, too.

That launch was technically the only bookish event I attended, at least as a ticketed guest. But then I was part of 2 bookish events in September! 

The babes at Brighton Waterstones contacted me to ask if I'd want to chair a couple of their upcoming author events, and I mean, like I was gonna say no?!
I interviewed – but really, both just felt like pretty cool chats...with a big audience – non-fic authors Lucy Watson (her fresh new cookbook 'Feed Me Vegan' is going down a storm in my veggie household) and Emma Blackery (I guess you'd know her from YouTube? Ha, of course you do. Her guide to life-type debut 'Feel Good 101' is understandably super popular). Both events were very different, and good fun. I'm definitely excited to do more things like that in the future.

My monthly reading went well, but that was hardly a surprise. I've been excited to re-read my Harry Potters for some time now. I'll probably write a post about it soon, as I really don't think I can fit just how much it's affecting me into one paragraph. 

I drank 43 cups of coffee.
My favourite cuppa would probably be the one I had right after getting a tattoo – because wow, the relief – and also the one I (finally) grabbed with Ella, aka Whimsicella, at a small chain in the big smoke. Grind are excellent; I especially love their fabulous use of neon in every one of their cafes...and their super cute (if at times OTT hipster) baristas.

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So, September is done and dusted. The Back to School vibes are fading away, and I can hear wicked giggles and troublesome bubbles creeping in already...
I'm also getting excited for 2018, if I'm honest. Yes I know, it's still a couple of months away and I am a massive hypocrite for getting livid whenever I see a Christmas display in a shop right now...but c'mon. 2017, I'm pretty much done with you, tbh... 


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