
My name’s Grace.

The hit song ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ will never not make me emotional and nobody knows why, I’ve got tufty hair, I love broccoli, I wear too much blue, I’m a feminist, my massive book collection is both wonderful and terrifying, I know way too many Instagram tricks, lilac is my favourite colour, I keep telling people I'm 25 when I'm not quite done being 24, I’ve now seen 2 of my friends get married, walking is my favourite way to exercise, vegan life is treating me well but I’m nervous to blog about it, I want to do more work hosting book events, this weekend I’m throwing a party to celebrate my brain’s continued health, tomorrow I’m seeing my neurosurgeon and hopefully getting my life un-paused.

(Photo: Paris Tate)


  1. Hope the neurosurgeon and party goes really really well Grace

    1. Thank you! The neurosurgeon appointment was so so good. x


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