Planning a luxury getaway...

* This post was written by a contributor *

Luxury holidays are few and far between, for most of us. They cost too much, they take too long, we often don’t have the clothes to wear that make us feel like we fit in with the other holidaymakers, etc. That means most of us take time off maybe once or twice a year, and have to stick to a firm budget when we do.

Of course, you can have a lot of fun on a budget holiday, and there’s a lot of new and improved holiday resorts out there for those of us who won’t even bother looking at the cost of a first class flight ticket. But sometimes, we find ourselves wanting more from trips away. We want to wake up in soft, silky sheets; we want the best room service that’s on offer from a luxury hotel that’s maybe seen a few celebrities. We want a little taste of that kind of world, that’s all, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of!

But it is going to take quite a bit of planning… and saving. So, let’s go right down the rabbit hole of luxury travel, and see what you would need to decide on to get to know the travelling high life.

Where Are You Going to Stay?

There are quite a few luxury travel destinations around the world, and a lot of countries are famous for them as well. Places like the US, France, Greece, the islands off of Spain etc., are all well known for the good times and quality of life on offer for any travellers with the money to visit them. They make a lot of money off the luxury tourism industry, and a lot of us have it on our bucket lists to dine in Paris or to hang out in the clubs of Ibiza. The companies that run the industries in these countries know we want to go, and they’re going to keep us fantasizing about taking trips out to all of them.

But every single country you could travel to has a luxury sector to get involved with, so if you’ve got a place on your bucket list that you’ve always wanted to see, make sure you research what’s on offer! If you want to go to Austria, there’s definitely going to be a skiing resort that offers under floor heated cabins and the best blankets to wrap yourself up in. If you want to go to Indonesia, you might just find yourself investing in an apartemen di bandung – renting out your own private accommodation, that no one else is going to be traipsing in and out of, is definitely the mark of luxury!

How Are You Going to Get There?

Most of us would like to plump for those first class airline tickets we mentioned above, but when those cost upwards of £5000 if you’re travelling to places like New York or Dubai, you’re going to have to make a sacrifice there. But how else can you get to these places? Flying is the most popular, and fastest, way to travel these days. It can feel like there aren’t many other options to choose from.  

Well, how about you go on a cruise instead?! Booking off at least two weeks from work, paying for a room on a cruise ship, and then being taken across the seas to all kinds of ports in different countries across the globe… and it’s often all expenses paid, so you’re only going to need to take souvenir money for the cities you dock at. You’ll have most of the day to explore these new places, and you won’t have to book into a hotel either. Just hop back on the boat, and then enjoy the sights and sounds and smells of the oceans you cross as you go on to your next destination.

And then there’s the idea of booking a seat on a luxury train ride. Whether you’re in England and want to go on the Orient Express, or you’re in Japan and fancy taking the Bullet Train, there’s quite a few famous luxury train lines out there. They’re going to cost a pretty penny, of course, but they can be a holiday and a half on their own!

What Are You Going to Do There?

Once you’ve thought about the luxury that would still be m-o-s-t-l-y budget friendly in terms of destination and travelling method, it’s time to think about what luxury activities you’d like to get involved in. A lot of us would like to simply recline beside a resort pool, and take dips with champagne glasses when the sun gets too hot. A lot of us want to be in the back of helicopters and try out skydiving! But what do you want to do?

Maybe you fancy diving with dolphins, or down to the Great Barrier Reef to see the hundreds of different species that live there? Maybe you want to go on a proper safari, and see the Big 5 in their natural habitats and environments? Either way, this is your chance to look up the deals on offer, and the coupons you might be able to put to use, to one day afford these kinds of activities. They’ll certainly be holidays to remember!

Have you got a luxury holiday plan? We all do in our heads, even if we’ve never told someone about it. Let’s take some time to do a bit of dreaming during a dreary afternoon; luxury holidays don’t make themselves, after all, especially if you’ve got a budget to be mindful of. If you know the average cost and the best destinations, you’re going to find it much easier to put this into practice!



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