I can use the loo, too!

This is a sponsored post! How exciting, eh?! Thank you in advance for reading it.

You all know about my illnesses, right? I go on about them rather a lot. Well, that’s because they’re a huge part of my life, and most days I have a lot of things I have to consider, and compromise on if necessary, because of them. I am also faced with ignorance a fair bit, and even prejudice. I once tried to use a disabled loo in the Arrivals area of an airport, because my IBS had flared up badly during my journey, which then triggered my PTSD, and it was a whole load of YIKES. Anyway, when I made for the disabled toilet, a man stopped me and pointed to the ladies loo, which was across the big room with a queue of about 15 tired-looking women waiting impatiently. I tried to explain that I was eligible to use the disabled facilities, and even gave him a peek of my tummy scar in the hope it would convince him, but there was a language barrier and he seemed to have decided that because I was standing upright without assistance, and had no visible wounds, that I was a just a ‘regular person’. On the surface I was fuming, yes, but I also felt deeply hurt.

(Bra was a gift from Hara)

Just because you can’t see someone’s illness, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Not all disabilities are visible. Take someone’s word for it, trust them, and don’t make your own assumptions. Why would someone lie about a condition – especially when, in my case, it involves a lot of poop talk?

Luckily, we’re coming into a new time when it’s more widely accepted that not everyone is as able-bodied as they may appear. We still have a way to go, but I’m hopeful that someday, my fellow IBS sufferers won’t be turned away from the loo, and folks like me who are living with a bit of cancer won’t be told it ‘doesn’t count’ or automatically asked how long they have left to live. There’s so much more to chronic illnesses than you realise, my lovely reader, and the best way you can support those of us living with them, and ultimately become more understanding and helpful, is by letting us tell you the facts; listening to what we have to say, giving us support and asking any questions you have when we’re in a safe space.

Millercare are mobility specialists, helping those of us with disabilities and chronic illnesses get around and live our lives every day. They have mobility scooters, wheelchairs, powerchairs, stairlifts, and walking sticks for sale. If you know anyone who could do with some help moving and generally being more independent, then please check them out! 


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