Post-lockdown home dreaming!

This is another sponsored post! How fabulous. 

I don’t know about you, lovely readers, but since lockdown it’s been my mission to make little improvements in my flat. Anyone who follows me on Instagram will have seen that my living room is slowly being taken over by plants; I’m finally framing some artwork to hang off my picture ledge, and I’ve recently invested in a new sparkly shower curtain which has made my teeny windowless bathroom seem HUGE and BRIGHT!? 

I can’t do much with this little space, of course. It’s perfect for me right now, sure, but after seeing so many of my pals buying homes and doing them up all over social media (house renovation Instagram accounts are a huge thing now, and they’re kind of addictive, don’t judge me) I have been inspired to look to the future and make some loose plans for my dream home. 

This dream home will probably be near where I am now, because I can’t not live by the sea. In lockdown, I’ve come to love the sound of the seagulls every morning outside my window - and I’ve even come to like it when they swoop down and join me on my rooftop! Weird, eh? So yes, I think I’d have to live around here (St Leonards on Sea/Hastings, ideally Hastings Old Town) or somewhere like Brighton. Ideally I’d like an old ‘character’ property, but I know Victorian houses can be a right pain to do up, so maybe a nice 1930s house… Oh, I’m not that much of an expert, my parents are about to move into one of these and it’s pretty cute, and sturdy. 

This house would have to have high ceilings, a fireplace, plenty of windows, and some general quirky vibes to it. I’d customise it with some pops of colour and snazzy second hand bits and bobs. Because why go to one of the big warehouse shops for bookcases and cushions, when you can spend a day or two snooping around the local antique shops or charity homewares places for something truly unique? 

There are certain things I couldn’t get second hand, mind you. Some things can only be bought new, and aren’t up for compromise. For instance, I’d happily splash out on some big art pieces for the walls. And really, can you honestly say you’d buy and use a second hand fridge/freezer? Yikes. 

Now, what about the properly dreamy things you want to add in? Have you ever thought about installing a little water feature, building a fancy kitchen island, or featuring a glass floor in your home? Don’t talk yourself down and worry it’s too dreamy or expensive, because it really doesn’t have to be. Have a look at TuffX Glass now, if you want to add some light and excitement to your new home, or spice up your old place, or bookmark them for the future! 


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