Be productive, with Mål Paper!

Hey, stationery lovers, goal setters and go-getters – have you heard of Mål Paper?

They create simple yet stylish Scandinavian stationery, designed to help us be more productive by focusing our minds on the most important tasks. I don’t know about you lot, but I’ve been feeling like I need a kick up the butt recently, and I’m determined to make this second lockdown count for something. Anyone else? 

Well, I have some great news. The wonderful folks at Mål Paper are currently running a competition to win a £50 gift card, so you can treat yourself to some of their elegant, fabulous products. Ooh, or maybe you could put that £50 towards a Christmas gifts for a goal-loving loved one? You can decide how generous you're feeling, or if you are just wanting to treat yourself. I've just entered, and got my eye on their Daily Goal Setter planner, if I win. Or maybe one of the affirmation card decks...  

Here’s the link you need to enter, and all you have to do is sign up to their newsletter, and tell them what your #1 goal is. Yep, it really is that simple.

Enter now, for your chance to win!


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