Small But Big; Beets Pulse & Thyme.

I am so happy to introduce you to Daniela at Beets Pulse & Thyme; I recently participated in her 28-day mind and body reset course, and was so wowed by the content of the course, and her beautiful, simple, nutritious recipes. 

Let's get to know her a little better, shall we?

How did Beets Pulse and Thyme come to be? 

I started Beets Pulse and Thyme in the second year of my 3 year Naturopathic Nutrition diploma as a place to record what I was learning and sharing the recipes I was creating with others. The name came about in a brainstorming session with my husband. ;)

Photo by Daniela @ Beets Pulse & Thyme.

What brings you joy? 
There are many things that bring me joy - My kids, good food, all year round sea swimming, hiking, feeling the sun shining on my face and adventures. 

What is the biggest lesson you've learned in your journey with nutrition?
Health and wellbeing are not a destination. It is constant and continuous exploration. 

Photo by Daniela @ Beets Pulse & Thyme.

Is there one tip you'd give everyone to help them live a more balanced life?
Hmmm.. I wish there was just the one thing, but sadly there isn't. We are the sum of our upbringing, our emotions, our environment, our nourishment, our beliefs and our social interactions. To live a balanced life we need to be addressing all of these factors, digging deep, doing the shadow work, eating well and most importantly being open to constantly learning new things about ourselves and the world around us.

Photo by Daniela @ Beets Pulse & Thyme.

What are your aspirations for the future? (In work, and life!)
2020 has been a year of introspection for sure. The world has certainly presented us with many unknowns... 

For the near future I plan on continuing to support people through my 28 Day Mind & Body Reset program, our next group cleanse will be starting in January. Then... as soon as it is possible I will be organising retreats again, in the stunning Carpathian mountains, with hiking, hot thermal springs and delicious food. 

I'm really excited to be creating some new photography work as well as editing some older projects which all link into wellbeing and sustainable living. 

But.. my biggest and longer term dream is to eventually spend more time in my home country of Romania, creating a Permaculture smallholding, cafe and community. 


Thank you so much, lovely Daniela, for being my guest on this little old blog. You're a dream. 


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